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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Fire Prevention Tips For Your Spring Lake Business

2/2/2022 (Permalink)

This soot covered ceiling was caused by a fire that started after power was restored to the building.

A fire at your Spring Lake commercial building can cause severe damage to business structures, equipment, and inventory.  As a business owner, focusing on fire risk assessment, fire prevention, and staff education can help reduce the chance of fire and smoke damage to your business.

This manufacturing facility experienced a fire after power was restored to their building.  Luckily no one was hurt as no one was in the building.  Our Large Loss team was able to help return their building to preloss condition within three weeks of the loss.

Below are some tips for fire safety in the workplace:

  1. Have an evacuation plan - every business should have an evacuation plan to make it safer and more efficient for employees and customers to exit the building during a fire.
  2. Maintain fire safety equipment - smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, and sprinklers should be inspected regularly.  Any faulty equipment should be replaced immediately.
  3. Train your employees - human error is a very common cause of fire in the workplace.  Mishandling chemicals, improperly storing combustible materials, and mishaps in the kitchen are just a few examples.
  4. Conduct routine fire drills - remaining calm during an emergency is key.  Help familiarize your employees with your emergency action plan by practicing fire drills a couple times a year.
  5. Post clear exits and escape routes - during a fire, smoke quickly fills rooms making it hard to see.  Lighted exit signs can make it easier to locate proper exits.  Post escape routes throughout the building so they can direct people to alternative routes.
  6. Properly store and dispose or hazardous materials - designate a well-ventilated area to store flammable materials like solvents and fuels. This includes office cleaning products, which are often flammable.
  7. Schedule routine equipment maintenance - machinery, appliances, and computers should be maintained on a regular basis.
  8. Designate smoking areas - designating a smoking area far away from your building, inventory and combustible items can help prevent an accidental fire.
  9. Eliminate electrical hazards - overloaded outlets, defective wiring and overhead equipment are some examples of electrical hazards in a workplace, which are common causes of commercial fires.  If repairs are needed, make sure it is done by a qualified electrician.

If your commercial building has experienced a fire, call SERVPRO of Holland / West Ottawa County to make it "Like it never even happened."® 616-396-8180

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