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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Gas Stove Safety

6/15/2020 (Permalink)

If you still use a gas stove in your home, then you probably know how dangerous they can be. Any source of open flame indoors creates a fire hazard and requires extra precautions. Here are some safety tips for gas stoves:

  • Managing the flame. Only have the stove on when something is cooking.
  • Maintaining the stove. Clean the stove on a regular basis to prevent food buildup.
  • Using the right utensils. Be sure to only use stuff that is designed for stove use.
  • Monitoring carbon monoxide. Gas stoves produce carbon monoxide so provide plenty of ventilation and install detectors around the home.
  • Be tentative when cooking.
  • Always be on the lookout for gas leaks.
  • Keep flammable objects away from the stove.
  • Have emergency equipment and services such as a fire extinguisher nearby.
  • Be aware of personal precaution such as not wearing baggy clothes.
  • Install smoke alarms throughout the home.
  • Install a range hood for proper ventilation.

When it comes to fire hazards, you can never be too safe. 

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