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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Generator Safety

2/8/2019 (Permalink)

Use a generator safely

It is true that you do not realize how much we rely on electricity until we experience a power outage. Losing power easily disrupts some of the convenience in our lives, often resulting in many homeowners purchasing generators. This piece of equipment can help get you through until power is restored. Although they can be very useful, generators can also raise a variety of dangers. If you have a generator for your home or business, here are some safety tips from the American Red Cross:

-Keep the generator dry. Do not use it in rainy or wet conditions

-Be aware of the amount of power your generator can produce to reduce the chance of overload

-Do not use the generator in any partially enclosed area

-Keep the generator away from doors, windows, and vents that could allow carbon monoxide to come indoors

Read more generator safety tips: Safe Generator Use

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