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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Common Mistakes Nunica Residents Make After A Water Damage

5/14/2022 (Permalink)

Make sure not to make these mistakes after a water damage in your home or business.

When experiencing a water damage in your home, many people's reaction would be to start cleaning the mess up themselves.  As it is good to stop the source of water and remove excess water, the most critical mistake is handling everything on your own.  Below are some common mistakes that homeowners make when a water damage happens in their Nunica home:

"I put a fan on it and have a dehumidifier running."

Many of our mold jobs come from a business owner or homeowner that decided to turn their water damage into a DIY project.  SERVPRO of Holland / West Ottawa County has technicians specifically trained in water restoration through the standards and best practices of The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC).  There is a science to drying, and SERVPRO of Holland / West Ottawa County technicians are experts in it.  They also use advanced commercial inspection and extraction equipment to dry and restore as efficiently as possible.

Waiting Too Long

Life is hectic, we understand; but when water damage affects your home, immediate action is key.  The longer water sits, the more damage to your home.  Taking care of the situation promptly can save you a lot of time, stress, and money.

Not Understanding Your Homeowners Policy

Many homeowners do not even know which insurance carrier they have, let alone know what is included in their policy.  Make sure to get with your insurance agent before a disaster strikes to know what type of coverage you have.  If you live in a high flood zone, you should consider adding flood insurance since that is normally not covered by your homeowners insurance.  Also, if you have a sump pump, look into an endorsement, or rider, for a sump pump failure.

Do not make these mistakes.  If you're dealing with a clean water damage, there are some tips that you can do while waiting for SERVPRO of Holland / West Ottawa County to arrive.  Call us today, 616-396-8180

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