Attic Fire From Fireplace
House fires can start from a variety of sources. One of the most common are fireplaces. Open flames anywhere in a home are a fire hazard. This West Michigan homeowner experienced a fire in their attic due to a fireplace. Although a house fire can start simply by embers falling onto carpet, they can also start if your chimney is not clean. If you choose to have a fireplace in your home and use it for heat, it is very important that you take precautionary measures such as inspecting your chimney annually and having a fire extinguisher nearby. Although we often do everything we can to prevent fires, the truth is that they do happen. Even small fires can leave your home filled with smoke and soot. If you experience a house fire and fear that your walls and belongings have fallen victim to smoke and soot damage, we are here to help. We have equipment capable of effectively removing smoke and soot from all different forms of surfaces and belongings. When disaster strikes, you can count on us!